Energy Healing

Intuitive/Reiki Healing
Reiki promotes stress relief and healing by working with your higher self and the life forces energies. It assist in unblocking energy and removing negative energies within your field.
Each Practitioner works differently and has additional therapy they made add to their Reiki practice.
Work with sound healing, shamanic and galactic energy alongside reiki she may also add CranioSacral techniques into her practice. Sarah is a Reiki Master.

Psychic Medium
Connect with your loved ones through a psychic medium reading done with

Somatoemotional Release Therapy
A natural progression of CranioSacral Therapy is a process called SomatoEmotional ® Release (SER). At times of high stress or emotional sensitivity the body may retain the imprint of emotion in the tissues of the body. SomatoEmotional Release is a process of assisting the body in integrating these emotions. Your CranioSacral Therapist may incorporate tools such as therapeutic imagery and dialogue to assist in this process.

Past Life Regression ( QHHT)
QHHT helps you connect with your subconscious or higher self. This part, knows everything about us, both in our current life and all the other lives we may have lived, and will happily reveal the cause of mental or physical aliments. It also has limitless knowledge and the ability to heal the physical body. In past life regression, the client is encouraged by the practitioner to access a specific past life to find information to help them understand or resolve specific issues in this life.